Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

Transformative Photo
 1) I don't know if I will ever be able to truly create a "transformative" photo with as much power, perspective, and outlook from it that would be as powerful as works by those such as Gordon Parks or many artist featured on The New York Times' Lens. However, I often find myself coming back to this photo whenever we discuss our favorites taken all year. It is not a fantastic photo or something revolutionary. It simply was just a picture I took while sitting on the bench trying to capture an image that would describe,"texture." However the reason I love this photo is deeper than what it appears. In this picture, there is a large amount of focus on the denim on my right leg closest to the camera. You can see each individual cotton fiber. These fibers are dyed indigo and weaved together. Some fibers are more worn or broken in than others, some have a lot of indigo while others have been rubbed up against or washed away the indigo dye in the fiber revealing a lighter color. This weaved cotton is what makes up my jeans. And this is what made me realize; the most important things in life, are the small things that we don't even think twice about. The smells, the looks on peoples faces. These small things is what life consist of. We often take it for granted. We are blessed and able to experience so much in life every day. We focus so much on the negatives and let it sit there and eat away at us. We can become stressed about the smallest thing, yet allow ourselves to amplify it and make it a much larger problem then it actually is. When we are stressed and upset, we rarely take the time to appreciate everything around us. I'm extremely blessed to able to have clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, food to eat, and a warm safe place to sleep. I am definitely not rich wealth wise. I was not born into a "economically rich" family (however we manage), but I was raised with a lot of love and compassion. And at the end of the day, all the small things people have done for me to help me out here or there, has built me into who I am as person. Even if someone has done me wrong. they have taught me a lesson I am sure not to forget. I am Catholic but don't consider myself an extremely religious person. But something tells me that everything happens for a reason. It is hard to see sometimes, especially when tragic events happen. But everything falls into place to help build who you are. Each moment of your life, no matter how insignificant or how small it may seem, is a fiber. It is a fiber that is being weaved together to help build who you are. Very similar to a pair of jeans.

2) The difference between shape and form is the dimensions. Shape and form and both used to describe an object and the space around it. However, shape is two dimensional. Shape is the X and Y of an object; the 2d form of it. Shape is how an obeject looks vertically and horizontally, Form however, is three dimensional. Form describes the X,Y, and Z dimensions of an object. Form adds depth to the description of shape. This depth can help give you a better understanding of the sheer size of something or how close it is to the capture point of a photo or scene.

3) The difference between Patterns and Repetition is the shapes involved. Repitition is the use of one object to create similarities. Patterns however, is the use of multiple shapes and objects to create abstract combinations.

4)Here is the link to my latest photography project. I apologize about how late it is. I have been extremely busy with work, baseball, make-up school work, and physical therapy. However it's also due to the fact that I am extremely lazy and a talented procrastinator. My ADHD doesn't help much with this either. However, with determination, an Adderall prescription, and hopefully a positive mood, I plan to get more done soon. 
 My photos were taken during an eventful week full of fun with my family and friends. Through this week I traveled all across the Bay Area from Fremont, to SF, to even Monterey Bay. I apologize if they are low quality as well. The image compression from my phone to the computer was awful. This project helped me realize how important capturing wonderful life moments are. I will never be as young as I am right now, and I need to appreciate that. I'm more than half way done with highschool and it feels as if i just started. These moments are passing by way to fast, and stopping every once in a while to snap a quick picture helps these moments live forever.
